Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Backyard Boogeyman

Being a former city-girl, living in the country, sometimes my fears of the outdoors get the best of me....

During the day, I LOVE my yard! chickens, dogs, cats, trees, dirt, grass, you get the picture. But at night, I sometimes let the absolute darkness get to me. My friends and I joke about mountain lions, bigfoot, wolverines, and lions, tigers and bears, Oh my! But I rarely go running in the dark...And I will adamantly say it is for the fear of tripping, falling and blowing out my knee on the washboard dirt road!

Anyway, we came home the other night and it was dark. No biggie. I run to the backyard to close up the chickens for the night. I come around the back of the house and STOP dead in my tracks. My alert is on. All I can make out is something where there was not anything the night before. I stand there and try to get my brain to process what it could and could not be. All I could come up with is the neighbor's dog. I call his name, but it was not moving and he knows when he sees me that he should not be trying to court my girls and he moves along. I was stumped and starting to panic a little.

All I could think to do was not scream and get inside and get a flashlight. I do and by now, the whole family is all in my business "What are you doing?" "What is wrong?" and so I am kind of "busted" when we flash a light on it and this is the big, bad, boogeyman in my backyard....

Yep, it will be a long time before I live this one down....

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Backyard Predators

I started out on another blog sharing the escapades of my chickens. They were hilarious! They had such personalities. I had to close that blog because my free-ranging friends had a dinner date with a predator and they did not know it. After a chicken hiatus,

Fast-forward to 2013. I have chickens again. We are in a new location and I have decided to keep my chickens penned for now. Here's why -

 This sweet, loving, cow dog has an unquenchable taste for chicken...and not just the scraps I share with her...

 This is a juvenile Golden Eagle. It is one of a pair and they have been hanging around this winter scavenging for food....

 I could not tell if this is an adult Golden or a juvenile Bald. It was just freaking big.

 A chicken hawk, who decided to sit outside my window for quite a while....

Not a great picture, but, it is of two bald eagles in the pastures behind our home....

I do not have a picture of the Great Horned Owl that is in the tree row behind the house. I have seen him and heard him on numerous occasions. Only, I did not realize it was an owl. On more than one occasion, I have heard something honking in the trees. It did not sound quite like a goose, which migrate through here, but I could not figure out what it was. One evening, when my guinea men disappeared, I heard the honking again. I ventured out behind the piles of fallen trees and saw this owl. It honked a few more times and flew to another tree. BIZARRE! I had never heard that before and still could not attribute the honk with the owl. After some research online, I discovered that Great Horned Owls will growl at you and it sounds like a HONK! It must have snatched a guinea and I was keeping it from enjoying its supper...

So, my girls will be confined to their coop until I can figure out how to discourage the birds and dogs from feasting on my feathered friends.