Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Skunk

One warm morning, I was running around doing some chores before I headed to my job in town. The kids were already dressed and outside playing. One was out front swinging and the younger was out back playing in her sand "box".

I was wandering around looking for the silly guineas to put out corn where they would find it. They were out by the garden. I shake the feed scoop filled with corn and they start running towards me. Past the younger child the sand box. I start counting to make sure they are all accounted for. 1-2-3-4-5 that is almost right. Let's try this again 1-2-3-4-5. Huh. It should be 4. The fifth one is black with a white stripe and a bit furry. Then it registers! SKUNK! I scream for, lunge and grab my child, holler at the dog, who is nose to nose with the skunk, and scream for the other child to get in the house.

I race for the trusty firearm, race to the other end of the house for the ammo. Race back through the house and burst through the back door. I'm so rattled that I can't keep a good aim on the smelly creature. I take a breath and pull the trigger. Nothing. Really? I actually cock the gun and then take aim again. I pepper his back end. He scurries back to his hideout....sigh...

A couple of observations. (1) My guineas are not the smartest birds on the farm...this is the second time danger has slithered right by them and they stare obliviously at it. A month ago, a 4 foot bull snake slithers by and they just stare at it. Seriously? I thought you were supposed to attack the thing? And now with the skunk, they don't start their alert squawking until after I shoot. (2) I need caffeine to make sure I am awake enough to actually kill the varmint who wander through my yard.

No pictures of the half-dead skunk, but one of his "house"

 And just because summer has arrived and my garden is loving it, a photo of my spaghetti squash! This has nothing to do with the skunk...unless it decides to climb into my garden and eat it. Then we have a problem!

Happy Summer! Stay cool and away from crazy animals!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Clean Collars

I have this problem. Well, actually, I don't have it. My husband does. He works outside and on many days he works with large animals. He comes home looking and smelling like a large animal! And let's just say, he has his own laundry basket!

For many months now he has been complaining that his shirts have not been coming clean. Sorry. The old washing machine was purchased long before I knew you even existed and I'm probably more intimate with it than you. Wait. That did not come out exactly how I planned it!  Bessie, the washing machine, is coming up on 20 years. She's reliable and for the most part does what is expected. He still complains.

So, with this complaint, I started looking for "easy" ways to get the beloved man's shirts clean. I found this on Pinterest a while ago and finally broke down and tried it the other day.

It is titled under "Remove Under Arm Stains"...Under arms. Neck. Same thing, right?

Here is the "Before" picture -

Gross! So, using 1 part Dawn Dish Soap, 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide and a dash of Baking Soda, I poured a little on at a time and scrubbed like a crazy woman. Threw it in the wash with the rest of his stuff and let Old Bessie do her magic.


Not Bad! The only problem is that I have to go back and do the rest of the shirt! Rats!

Here's a shot of the ingredients. Pretty simple and I am impressed with the results.

 Happy Scrubbing!