For many months now he has been complaining that his shirts have not been coming clean. Sorry. The old washing machine was purchased long before I knew you even existed and I'm probably more intimate with it than you. Wait. That did not come out exactly how I planned it! Bessie, the washing machine, is coming up on 20 years. She's reliable and for the most part does what is expected. He still complains.
So, with this complaint, I started looking for "easy" ways to get the beloved man's shirts clean. I found this on Pinterest a while ago and finally broke down and tried it the other day.
It is titled under "Remove Under Arm Stains"...Under arms. Neck. Same thing, right?
Here is the "Before" picture -
Gross! So, using 1 part Dawn Dish Soap, 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide and a dash of Baking Soda, I poured a little on at a time and scrubbed like a crazy woman. Threw it in the wash with the rest of his stuff and let Old Bessie do her magic.
Not Bad! The only problem is that I have to go back and do the rest of the shirt! Rats!
Here's a shot of the ingredients. Pretty simple and I am impressed with the results.
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