Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.....There's a song, right? Well, if you haven't learned already, life is packed full of changes. As much as I try to keep things the same, God turns my head and I see there is something that changed. I mean I was a full-fledged corporate career girl happily climbing that ladder and now I am a SAHM, "self-employed" and raising a family on a ranch literally in the middle of nowhere. Big change, there.

Most recently, my husband felt the call to find a new position. Nothing was really "wrong" with the current place. He just didn't feel like this was where he was supposed to be. He found a new job, thankfully, and we have moved....again....

So no pictures...I am too embarrassed to show the unpacked boxes and clutter that still grace my house, 10 days post-move...I know. I'm an overachiever...haha!

The move went pretty darn smoothly. My husband is a rock star! He is tireless and can pack a trailer like no other I've seen. I am thankful that we got the guineas penned up and packed in a dog crate for the move. The only casualty was me, when a guinea was not quite on board with the plan and flew into my face and left a huge welt. Yep, a welt. I was sure I was going to have to be rushed to the E.R., but no skin was even broken.

I am a bit heart-broken that I have left my garden behind. It was just starting to come in. I will try and get back a couple times a week to pick and see what devastation the grasshoppers and deer have inflicted since the guineas are not there for control.

I did dig up a couple of fruit trees. I hope they make it through the transplant! And on the next trip, I will dig up what is left of the dried up strawberry plants.

The first night we spent here with all critters, the one dog got out of the back yard and took off. We knew she'd come home. It just might take her a few days to remember where we live now. However, my husband, not as trusting as I am, went out "for a drive" (yeah right. I knew what he was doing!). He stopped and asked my child a question and out pops the dog from the ditch. He was one happy camper! But because the chicken-eating dog was roaming, I was afraid the guineas did not make it through the night. As he walked in the door to tell me the dog was back, he also tossed in the "Come feed your guineas. They are standing at the front door waiting for you too." Yippee!

Stay cool and enjoy the last few days of summer "vacation"!

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