These are super-simple gifts to make. Trust me, I cannot handle anything too complicated when it comes to being "crafty" (and the Beastie Boys song just went sailing through my head).
Here are three things I have made.
- Lemon Extract
- Vanilla Extract
- Brown Sugar Body Scrub
Lemon Extract
First decide what size bottle(s) you want to use. You might need to search the web for sites that sell bottles for a price you like. Some have really great prices and outrageous shipping or vice versa. So, figure out what's the best deal for you. Then depending on how many bottles you are making and the size of the bottle (2oz, 4oz, 8oz--you get the picture), you can determine how much Vodka you need to purchase. (Hint, it's an Algebra problem...Remember when you said you would never use it after high school?) I just went ahead and bought the biggest bottle I could because I plan on having a few cocktails while I am mixing this stuff up! Just Joking! Kind of...Probably not...Okay, back on track! You will need a lemon for each bottle. Zest a lemon and put it in the bottle and fill the bottle with what is left of the vodka and Ta-Da! It is done!
Geez, even I can handle that!
Just add a label and some raffia and your gift is ready!
Vanilla Extract
The vanilla extract is almost as easy as the lemon extract. I suggest you make this in one big batch.Take a large bottle of Vodka. Remove the little plastic thingy in the lid with a table or butter knife. Mine always flies away, but they are easy to pop off. Then take some vanilla beans. (You can order these online via ebay, beanilla, etc.) and cut a slit down the vanilla bean and gently scrape the seeds inside the bean. you will need to dispose of a little of the vodka in order for the beans to fit in the bottle. Place the bean seeds in the bottle. Many people put the whole bean pod in the bottle. Your choice. Others also add a shot of dark bourbon to the vodka bottle to give the extract a brown color. Again, your choice.
Put the lid on the bottle and let it sit and steep for 2-4 months. I have seen a couple different schools of thought on the aging process. Whatever works best for you. Once a week, shake the bottle to mix it all up. That is it. Then use in the place of store bought vanilla or bottle it and give as gifts.
Brown Sugar Body Scrub -
What you will need is--
2 - half pint mason jars with lids
1 c. of brown sugar, packed
2 Tbsp of Honey
1 - lemon
2 Tbsp of Olive oil
1 c. of brown sugar, packed
2 Tbsp of Honey
1 - lemon
2 Tbsp of Olive oil
In a bowl, mix the brown sugar, oil and honey. Cut and squeeze the lemon (pick the seeds out). Mix together well. and pour evenly between the 2 jars and that is all! Add a label, fabric square or raffia and call it done!
(Note: This will need to be stirred before use. Mine has separated in the jar.)
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