Monday, December 10, 2012

DIY Christmas Gifts

My friends and family may "hate" me after this year! I am making Christmas gifts...

These are super-simple gifts to make. Trust me, I cannot handle anything too complicated when it comes to being "crafty" (and the Beastie Boys song just went sailing through my head).

Here are three things I have made.

  1. Lemon Extract
  2. Vanilla Extract
  3. Brown Sugar Body Scrub

Lemon Extract

First decide what size bottle(s) you want to use. You might need to search the web for sites that sell bottles for a price you like. Some have really great prices and outrageous shipping or vice versa. So, figure out what's the best deal for you.  Then depending on how many bottles you are making and the size of the bottle (2oz, 4oz, 8oz--you get the picture), you can determine how much Vodka you need to purchase. (Hint, it's an Algebra problem...Remember when you said you would never use it after high school?) I just went ahead and bought the biggest bottle I could because I plan on having a few cocktails while I am mixing this stuff up! Just Joking! Kind of...Probably not...

Okay, back on track! You will need a lemon for each bottle. Zest a lemon and put it in the bottle and fill the bottle with what is left of the vodka and Ta-Da! It is done!

Geez, even I can handle that!

Just add a label and some raffia and your gift is ready!

Vanilla Extract

The vanilla extract is almost as easy as the lemon extract. I suggest you make this in one big batch.

Take a large bottle of Vodka. Remove the little plastic thingy in the lid with a table or butter knife. Mine always flies away, but they are easy to pop off. Then take some vanilla beans. (You can order these online via ebay, beanilla, etc.) and cut a slit down the vanilla bean and gently scrape the seeds inside the bean. you will need to dispose of a little of the vodka in order for the beans to fit in the bottle. Place the bean seeds in the bottle. Many people put the whole bean pod in the bottle. Your choice. Others also add a shot of dark bourbon to the vodka bottle to give the extract a brown color. Again, your choice.

Put the lid on the bottle and let it sit and steep for 2-4 months. I have seen a couple different schools of thought on the aging process. Whatever works best for you. Once a week, shake the bottle to mix it all up. That is it.  Then use in the place of store bought vanilla or bottle it and give as gifts.

Brown Sugar Body Scrub - 

What you will need is--
2 - half pint mason jars with lids
1 c. of brown sugar, packed
2 Tbsp of Honey
1 - lemon
2 Tbsp of Olive oil

In a bowl, mix the brown sugar, oil and honey. Cut and squeeze the lemon (pick the seeds out). Mix together well. and pour evenly between the 2 jars and that is all! Add a label, fabric square or raffia and call it done!

(Note: This will need to be stirred before use. Mine has separated in the jar.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Absolutely Fabulous Chicken Enchiladas with Red Chili Sauce

Oh! My! Goodness! These are Fabulous!

I swear, I have got to have a little Hispanic blood running through me! I absolutely love Mexican food, whether it is Mexican, TexMex, or anything pseudo-Mexican. When we make it to a "big" town, the handsome Cowboy asks me what I want to eat...the response is generally "Mexican"!

One other thing about me, is that I do not like to crack open a can and pour. If I can make it from scratch, I tend to do that. I just like knowing what I'm eating and feeding to my family. Now, I'm not fanatical about it, but it's just how I lean in my cooking.

So, I was cruising Pinterest (Okay, so when am I not cruising Pinterest) and I came across this recipe for Homemade Enchiladas. Oh Dear Lord! So I clicked on the pin and it took me to this recipe . I had to try it! Like the next day! So, I did.

This is NOT my picture! It's from the blog "Pink Parsley" where I got the recipe from. My enchiladas did not look nearly as pretty, but tasted absolutely amazing! The sauce is to die for and so much richer and thicker than the canned version.

At supper, my youngest literally was gulping the tasty morsels down. No chewing, no taking breaths, just gulping. Guess the little stinker liked it! the handsome Cowboy had a huge pile on his plate and decided since there were only two left that he needed to finish them...So, no leftovers for me! RATS!

This recipe is a "Keeper".

I hope you try it and love it as much as we did!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Little Christmas Decorating

We have never been big on Christmas decorating. My parents never went all out and so I have kept Christmas decorating pretty low key. As the kiddos get a little older, their excitement is contagious and I have been trying do to a little more.

Last year, on Pinterest (The place where missing time ends up), I saw this adorable outdoor Christmas tree decoration using Tomato Cages! I have those! And I have some extra lights! WOOHOO! This is a link to a page that shows how to make the tree. I cannot find my pin, which is typical these days...Maybe one day Pinterest will let us search our own boards!

This year, I have decided to do the same thing again. It adds a little "class" to the LED Snowman we usually have out. I just have to remember to stake these little guys down, or else they will end up several states away when the first big wind blows.

First, I dug out 3 tomato cages from the back of the shed. (I did not put them there...Rather "someone" was "cleaning up" and put them in an awkward place.)

Then I take a string of lights and wrap them around the cage. There is no "right" way or "wrong" way to do this. Put as many as you like or as little as you like to get the look you prefer. I used 1 strand for these "trees".

See, super simple.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall and Changes

We have been enjoying a beautiful fall this year! Well, if you do not count the wind storm, lack of regular moisture and the first snow...Okay, okay, I loved the first snow! This time of the year has also brought a change in the kitchen. I feel like I have been baking up a storm, trying new recipes and baking some old favorites.

This weekend, I decided to make one of my favorite apple dishes. I made Ozark Apple Pudding. I found this recipe a while back on the Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen site. It's delicious all on its own and even better warm with a scoop of ice cream on the side!

Just so you know, I cheated a little. When I whipped this together, I was not feeling all the perky and did not feel like pulling the ingredients out, setting them up for a shot and then taking "in progress" pictures. I was in a funk and thought this would brighten my day a little. 

So, back to the recipe. It calls for pretty basic stuff like flour, sugar, oil, baking soda, salt, eggs, apples, cinnamon and nuts. (and, yes, those eggs are from my gorgeous feathered friends!)

Following the directions, it is pretty straightforward and a "quick" dish to make.  After baking, you get this yummy dessert!

Dish it up with ice cream, whipped cream or just eat it by itself!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The First Snow!

It is an event that I look forward to every year! I feel almost like a child when I know it is coming and so completely in awe when it happens! It is the "First Snow" of the season! WOOHOO! YIPPEE!

This year, it is such a huge blessing! This snow is a big, wet snow! And after the year we have experienced with lack of moisture, it is such a good thing.

The kids had school, but they were dressed super fast and outside playing for a while until I felt it was "ok" for me to try driving them to town for school. 

We were 'teased' with a chance of snow a couple of weeks ago. I felt like my kids, all disappointed because we did not get anything. And I know by April, when spring should be well on its way and we get that (hopefully) last snow, I will complain about the snow and cold.

Until then, enjoy your fall!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yep, It Looks Like an Outhouse!

The one thing I really wanted when I moved from the city and suburbs was chickens. I love those little, noisy birds and the beautiful eggs they produce. I was so super excited when I was able to have them running freely through my yard.

This past winter, I admit, I got a little lazy and did not button the coop up quite as tightly as I should have. I was lulled into that false sense of "security" and ignoring the fact that one by one, the free-ranging hens were being picked off every other day by some raptor. Some times ignorance is bliss...Until the morning you go out and find that the chicken-loving predator has taken liberty in your chicken coop and destroyed the entire flock.

So, I took a break from the feather friends for a while. I did pick up several guinea hens this spring to help with insect control. I will write more on those "I'm-So-Ugly-I'm-Cute" little boogers another time. However, I refrained from getting chickens.

Now, "settled" into our new home, I immediately started bugging the old cowboy to help me get a place for chickens set up. We went back and forth. Do we build a coop like we had?

 (ok, we did finish it! This was during construction)

Use the ever popular trampoline coop? This one made the Fed-Ex guy pull out his phone and snap a picture to send to his friend "Back East" for a laugh. So, yes, I'm probably in some "You might be a redneck if..." email.

Or do something different?  We opted for "different". This place had an old outhouse which had not been used in quite some time. So, we picked out a spot, moved the heavy beast of a bathroom and added a small pen area and buried the chicken wire about a foot in the ground.

So, yes, that is an outhouse turned chicken coop! And I'm loving my chickens!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Long, Dry Summer

This summer has been hard for most folks. Even those not directly affected by the hot, dry, windy summer.

Everyone where we live seems to be on pins and needles, terrified of wild fires. I can certainly understand why. There's a feeling of complete hopelessness when you get a call or look out the window and see flames racing your way.

This is smoke from a fire that greeted us the weekend that we moved. Too close for comfort, but beautiful.

Luckily for us, we have not been in the direct line of one of these monsters. The guys have had to rush out and help neighbors as dry storms go through and light up the landscape with fires, but we have been able to stay put and pray for those in the path of this destructing force.

If there is an "upside" to this horrible time, it could be the beautiful sunrises that greet us each morning and sunsets that bid us goodnight.  Some of the most beautiful colors have blanketed the skies.

The Dreaded Birthday Cake Adventure

It's that time of the year again. A child's birthday! I LOVE baking cakes for my kids. It gives me an excuse to make sure there is extra frosting because that is MY favorite part of the whole experience!

With this child, if you know her, the world revolves around princesses. Over the years, I've made a variety of cakes with some type of princess theme - a crown, a castle, a "princess". This year, I made the executive chef's decision to go with something a little more simple and told her she was getting a cake in the shape of "Flip Flops"!

See, the problem isn't that I'm a bad cook. I love to cook. I love to make delicious meals and treats for my family. I do buy store-bought things, quite frequently by reviewing my checkbook each month, but I feel that the cake made at home is just a little more "healthy" than something I have no idea where it came from.

So, back to my birthday dilemma. I bake really tasty things. I do NOT make really "pretty" things...The "Alice in Wonderland" cake from a couple of years ago - FAIL! Tasted delicious. Looked like a pile of something. So, this year, I am determined to "master" this simple project. One year, I did not decorate anything! I let the kids do it at the party! Total win with that one!

First, I found something on Pinterest that boasts "Box Cake Will Taste Like Bakery Cake". Hhhmmm...So, I followed the link recipe-for-making-a-box-cake-taste-homemade and did what it instructed me to do. I used melted butter in place of oil and milk in place of the water.

It says to add 1-2 eggs on top of what is called for, but I decided to use what the box said to use. A few minutes of mixing and baking and "Voila'"!

I will have to say, this is the most beautiful cake that has ever come out of my oven! I cannot wait for it to cool some more in the freezer and be transformed into the most beautiful pair of flip flops ever!

After the cake was cooled, I used the template from Betty Crocker ( and cut out the "Flip Flops".

Not bad, so far! Then I frosted them and used M&Ms instead of Sprees. Plus, I could not find any fruit roll-ups (maybe that was on purposed) and used frosting instead.

I know, I know. It's probably my choice of frosting that makes the decorating hard, but it is my favorite frosting and I opt for flavor over looks any day!

The birthday girl loved it! She was thrilled that I even added the flowers to the shoes.

And it was a great tasting cake. I will make these modifications to a box mix whenever I use one!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.....There's a song, right? Well, if you haven't learned already, life is packed full of changes. As much as I try to keep things the same, God turns my head and I see there is something that changed. I mean I was a full-fledged corporate career girl happily climbing that ladder and now I am a SAHM, "self-employed" and raising a family on a ranch literally in the middle of nowhere. Big change, there.

Most recently, my husband felt the call to find a new position. Nothing was really "wrong" with the current place. He just didn't feel like this was where he was supposed to be. He found a new job, thankfully, and we have moved....again....

So no pictures...I am too embarrassed to show the unpacked boxes and clutter that still grace my house, 10 days post-move...I know. I'm an overachiever...haha!

The move went pretty darn smoothly. My husband is a rock star! He is tireless and can pack a trailer like no other I've seen. I am thankful that we got the guineas penned up and packed in a dog crate for the move. The only casualty was me, when a guinea was not quite on board with the plan and flew into my face and left a huge welt. Yep, a welt. I was sure I was going to have to be rushed to the E.R., but no skin was even broken.

I am a bit heart-broken that I have left my garden behind. It was just starting to come in. I will try and get back a couple times a week to pick and see what devastation the grasshoppers and deer have inflicted since the guineas are not there for control.

I did dig up a couple of fruit trees. I hope they make it through the transplant! And on the next trip, I will dig up what is left of the dried up strawberry plants.

The first night we spent here with all critters, the one dog got out of the back yard and took off. We knew she'd come home. It just might take her a few days to remember where we live now. However, my husband, not as trusting as I am, went out "for a drive" (yeah right. I knew what he was doing!). He stopped and asked my child a question and out pops the dog from the ditch. He was one happy camper! But because the chicken-eating dog was roaming, I was afraid the guineas did not make it through the night. As he walked in the door to tell me the dog was back, he also tossed in the "Come feed your guineas. They are standing at the front door waiting for you too." Yippee!

Stay cool and enjoy the last few days of summer "vacation"!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Skunk

One warm morning, I was running around doing some chores before I headed to my job in town. The kids were already dressed and outside playing. One was out front swinging and the younger was out back playing in her sand "box".

I was wandering around looking for the silly guineas to put out corn where they would find it. They were out by the garden. I shake the feed scoop filled with corn and they start running towards me. Past the younger child the sand box. I start counting to make sure they are all accounted for. 1-2-3-4-5 that is almost right. Let's try this again 1-2-3-4-5. Huh. It should be 4. The fifth one is black with a white stripe and a bit furry. Then it registers! SKUNK! I scream for, lunge and grab my child, holler at the dog, who is nose to nose with the skunk, and scream for the other child to get in the house.

I race for the trusty firearm, race to the other end of the house for the ammo. Race back through the house and burst through the back door. I'm so rattled that I can't keep a good aim on the smelly creature. I take a breath and pull the trigger. Nothing. Really? I actually cock the gun and then take aim again. I pepper his back end. He scurries back to his hideout....sigh...

A couple of observations. (1) My guineas are not the smartest birds on the farm...this is the second time danger has slithered right by them and they stare obliviously at it. A month ago, a 4 foot bull snake slithers by and they just stare at it. Seriously? I thought you were supposed to attack the thing? And now with the skunk, they don't start their alert squawking until after I shoot. (2) I need caffeine to make sure I am awake enough to actually kill the varmint who wander through my yard.

No pictures of the half-dead skunk, but one of his "house"

 And just because summer has arrived and my garden is loving it, a photo of my spaghetti squash! This has nothing to do with the skunk...unless it decides to climb into my garden and eat it. Then we have a problem!

Happy Summer! Stay cool and away from crazy animals!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Clean Collars

I have this problem. Well, actually, I don't have it. My husband does. He works outside and on many days he works with large animals. He comes home looking and smelling like a large animal! And let's just say, he has his own laundry basket!

For many months now he has been complaining that his shirts have not been coming clean. Sorry. The old washing machine was purchased long before I knew you even existed and I'm probably more intimate with it than you. Wait. That did not come out exactly how I planned it!  Bessie, the washing machine, is coming up on 20 years. She's reliable and for the most part does what is expected. He still complains.

So, with this complaint, I started looking for "easy" ways to get the beloved man's shirts clean. I found this on Pinterest a while ago and finally broke down and tried it the other day.

It is titled under "Remove Under Arm Stains"...Under arms. Neck. Same thing, right?

Here is the "Before" picture -

Gross! So, using 1 part Dawn Dish Soap, 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide and a dash of Baking Soda, I poured a little on at a time and scrubbed like a crazy woman. Threw it in the wash with the rest of his stuff and let Old Bessie do her magic.


Not Bad! The only problem is that I have to go back and do the rest of the shirt! Rats!

Here's a shot of the ingredients. Pretty simple and I am impressed with the results.

 Happy Scrubbing!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Deer Deterent

I like seeing deer walk through my yard. I like watching them. I wonder what they hear when their heads pop up and look around. Are we really that loud inside the house that we 'startle' the deer? Probably, but that's a whole different story.

Sorry for the bad picture, but it was overcast, snow on the ground, raining and the deer was in the tree row.... Back to my original story, kind of.  I also like getting magazines in the mail. I really like certain magazines. I grew up with Southern Living. I absolutely LOVE the old Southern Living magazines. I still like the ones today, but the ones from when I was growing up absolutely thrill me. I use Southern Living for recipes, decorating ideas and just plain old dreaming.  Currently, one of my favorite magazines is Mother Earth News. I love the gardening, the recipes, the DIY stories and admire those who can survive on their homestead. (No, I have nowhere near this type of dedication and I love going to town!)

I have done a few things that I have read about in this magazine. One, that works, is a way to keep deer out of your garden and away from your trees.

Basically, what you do is string clear fishing line around your garden and or trees. I knew the deer would walk right over the knee-high fence surrounding my garden. I knew this because I have found them IN the garden and I have also seen their little and not so little hoof prints in the garden.  So, I took some posts we used for electric fencing on our old place and placed them around the garden. Then I strung the fishing line around the posts. I made it pretty taut so that the deer would feel some tension when they bump into it.

The idea is that the deer bump into the fishing line. They cannot see it. So, they go around. They will not jump over it because they do not know how high it is. It worked. The deer tracks in the garden disappeared immediately!

I also planted some fruit trees and placed the fishing line around these too. I know from past experience that deer LOVE fruit leaves in the following order...Apple, Cherry, Peach and then Pecan! My poor trees...

When I put the fishing line around these trees, I also strung a string about 18-24 inches off the ground. This will deter the fawns from getting too interested in the trees too.

About a month ago, a group of about 10 deer wandered from the tree row through the yard to the pasture. One of the last deer walked right up to a fruit tree. However, before he reached it, he walked into something unseen. No freaking out, bumped it a couple of times, until he was able to go around with no obstruction. IT WORKS!

Here is my sad little apple sapling with two of the posts and the two lines.

Happy Deer Watching!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring and Fruit Trees

Wow! Has it really been this long since I posted? It has. Like many of you, I have had too many things on my plate and writing has been pushed to the back burner.

It's early May and surprisingly, Spring chose to show up here in March! Last year we had two snowstorms in mid-April that left nearly 18" of snow on the ground and a chill in the air stuck around well into June. But this year has been remarkably warm!

What that does is make all of us who like to garden get the itch to put stuff in dirt. However, we know better. It's like a well, worn, war veteran who is regaling battle stories. Gardeners who have lost many a garden to a late freeze. It starts innocently enough. Usually you break down when you are in town and buy a flat of flowers and veggies on freakishly hot spring day. I mean, you broke out the capris and flip flops, painted your toes. So, yes, it "should" be warm enough to plant a few things. You rush home, plant them, water them and love them like your own children.  Then one morning you wake up, notice a slight chill in the house, your husband is putting on a jacket before he leaves and you rush to the thermometer and pray that it is well above that dreaded number of 32.  You can't bear the thought of going outside and looking at your 'babies'. The questions start "Why?", "Was it supposed to do that?", "WHEN are the weather forecasters going to get it right?"

When you do go out, it is heart-breaking. The wilting, the shriveled leaves, the look of defeat shown by each plant...

But, not so much this year. I have not bought much this year because in the back of my mind, I know it can still happen. But it so hard not to plant when it has been as warm as it has. But I have gotten to plant a few things. I bought some Vidalia Onions (I know, not truly Vidalia's unless grown in certain conditions with certain characteristics--But I'm a Georgia girl and was tickled to find them in the north central plains!). My husband built me a Potato Box that I found on Pinterest. We will see if it produces the amount of potatoes the web page claimed....If not, then it will become a new compost box!

And my favorite planting of the season? Fruit Trees! WOOHOO! I was so excited! Last year I purchased a peach tree and cherry tree on "clearance". Trust me, they were CHEAP! When the cherry tree leafed out, it was about 6" off the ground. Perfect height for the dreaded grasshoppers to eat. And they did. That little tree kept popping out leaves (only at 6" off the ground) and the grasshoppers kept having dessert. So, it quit trying. The replacement tree showed up a couple of weeks ago and I promptly put it in the ground and said a little prayer for leaves at the top of the tree. Then my three apple trees arrived! I about cried. These are great looking trees from Stark Brothers. I picked out a spot for these guys and they are firmly planted in the ground.

Each night after my run, I cool off walking through my "orchard". To my delight, every tree has little leaves popping out and even a couple of little blooms on the peach and cherry trees! I felt like I had won the lottery! And, of course, in the back of my mind, is that thought of " it going to frost tonight?"

We will see.  Happy Spring, everyone!

Friday, February 24, 2012

An Idea Gets Out Of Hand...

So, there's this flat valley several miles from here. Truly, in the heart of the Sandhills. There's lots of water, grass, cows (duh!) and eagles! I love eagles. They huge, beautiful, majestic birds. You don't realize just how big they are until you see one up close, by the road stalking a gopher mound (which I don't have a picture of because I forgot my camera that day....). Trust me, huge!

Each year, in this group of dead trees, the old nest is dismantled and a new one is constructed.  Most nests are big, wide, super-sized bowls. Lots of room to stretch out. This year, I'm not sure I understand the logic of the nest. Did it not start out well? Did she demand a 2-story condo? A separate nursery for the kids?

So I guess to avoid the complaining, moaning, whining about this year's nest, the mate spends his time cruising above the lake. Relishing the peace and quiet of a blustery winter day.

I love eagles.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Husband Asked....

One day last week, my husband asked me to ride along with him while he fed the calves. He had already fed a couple of pastures, so the odds were fairly decent I would not be stuck in the pickup all day. It's nice to spend some time with him without all the chaos that ensues when the kids are around. We can talk uninterrupted and actually complete sentences that are not "in code"!

I must say, this feeding excursion went rather well. There were no sick calves that we had to rope and doctor, we did not get stuck in a snow drift, and no vehicles broke down and we had to walk....

I took a few pictures while we were out.

 Someone anxiously awaiting word that she can go round up the stragglers...(and, yes, there are dirty windows and mirrors...)
I'm still waiting...

 Are they all there?
I think he's kind of cute up there on his horse!
 Trying to open the door of the pickup...
 Still trying....
Little devil horns!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weird Winter Weather

This winter has been weird, weather-wise. I 'know' the reason. At the end of the summer, I began praying for a LONG fall....and it seems I got it! We enjoyed nice, unseasonably warm and dry weather through November. We literally went from short-sleeves on the Nov 30th to wind, snow and freezing temps on Dec. 1st.

But wait! it warmed up again and then froze. Warmed up and froze. Like a recent Sunday, it was in the mid-to upper 60s. The following Monday night snow and the temperature dropped to -1 here at the house.

So, here it is the middle of the night. I'm awake because a dear child got up at midnight, woke me up on her way to the bathroom and I could not get back to sleep...So now I'm watching the thermometer hover around 0 again. The forecast for Sunday? 60.

I have begun praying for an early Spring!
 One of the fat robins 'wintering' in my trees...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Joys of Cooking

I love cooking! It's exhausting, but I love the feeling in the end of having "accomplished" something. Now, where I cook leaves a little to be desired.  I have what you call a "One Butt" kitchen. It's about the right size for "one butt".

When I was single, a kitchen this size was awesome. I could move around, do things and not have to run all over the room to get what I needed. It was all right there. Another good thing about a kitchen like this is  that it's not that big and cleaning isn't that hard. No, I didn't admit to actually cleaning the kitchen...or wiping down the cabinets...or anything like that. I'm just saying, it's not "that" hard to clean.

There are a few problems with a "One Butt" kitchen-

  • My backside appears to be growing...I attribute it to "aging", but the experts would probably say it has more to do with food choices and an appropriate level of exercise...sigh.
  • There is now more than "one butt" trying to get into the kitchen at the same time. Resulting in Cook #1 raising her voice and commanding all other butts to leave. And I don't care if I just raised my voice to call you into the small kitchen. (Yes, it's a constant battle of "come here and go away". Wonder if I am scarring my children....)
  • I love to cook and bake and the "one butt" kitchen is running out of space. I guess I am a collector of kitchen things. Cabinets are filled, drawers filled and I am running out of places to hide my cooking things!
I don't see this problem getting "fixed" anytime soon. So, I might as well get used to the kitchen and it's smallness!

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wide Open Spaces

I am blessed. It's as simple as that. I live in the 'wide open spaces'...Literally.  The view from my kitchen is of grass-covered, sandy hills, dotted with cows and a couple of windmills. 

 I live far from anything. When I grumble about my drive to "town", I am immediately reminded what a privilege it is to live where I do. 

Like many places, there is an abundance of wildlife-cows (various types and sizes), bison, coyotes, grouse, one elk, a mountain lion (I know this because I have a photo of it's paw print!), porcupines, raccoons, skunks, swans, pelicans and eagles. No pics of the eagle or swans because when I drove past them, I realized my camera was sitting on my desk....

And more times than not, God blesses us with His beauty....

I hope to share things that are country, out in the sticks or something I find interesting....